The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131351   Message #2964414
Posted By: GUEST,mg
13-Aug-10 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: Is it permissible-to change a word in an old song?
Subject: RE: Is it permissible-to change a word in an old song?
Listen up. I did not tell people they should not ... I said they could do whatever they want. I reread everything I wrote here..and one place is a little toward that direction I admit. But what I consistently said, and please get it right, is do what you want. I personally will probably not like it and probably lots of other people won't either, but plenty will or will not know the difference. I probably wouldn't know the difference most of the time. I think it is arrogant to change what has been around for hundreds of years, and sometimes in certain locales it is unchanged and sometimes it does have many variants. I don't think the old old songs are mine to change. But our paths will never overlap in person so I am not going to worry about what you do or don't do. mg