The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131150   Message #2966204
Posted By: ragdall
16-Aug-10 - 04:59 AM
Thread Name: De-Clutter: Aug 2010 (w/ accountability)
Subject: RE: De-Clutter: Aug 2010 (w/ accountability)
SRS, Cute cartoon. Does the title mean "The Pirate's wife"? Well done making the mop fit. You're making such steady progress, you're an inspiration. So many things we do seem small tasks by themselves but when you look at a list of all that you do in a day, it's quite an accomplishment. Were you able to get a nap? Did you find time to mow the lawn when it was cooler? I used to mow mine after dark (there's a street lamp nearby).

Kat, you were lucky to have a paintable wall under the panelling. The wall under mine isn't finished at all. Added to that, my husband drove nails into it in many places to hang frames containing his prize ribbons. Before I can sell this house the panelling and the sheetroc under it will have to be torn out and replaced by someone who is good at working with sheetroc. The orchard ride must have been lovely. Morgan looks as if he enjoyed spending time with the horses. The kitchen must look so much better with the fridge and the mop holder in different places. Three cheer to Rog for helping so much with the project.

LTS, were you able to get out with the new camera? What sort of camera did you get?

Catherine Jayne, congratulations on the weight loss!

Michelle, Where do you get all the energy? What a lot to get done in one day!

Alice, I love the "Garden Deck Wall" painting. It's very lovely. It would be a good subject for a much larger painting someday.

Saturday, my birthday present from my son was a Birch tree pruning. I didn't feel like making a dump run on my birthday so I waited until this afternoon to load the Birch trunk and branches on top of my car. By the time I finally got that done and fastened down, the transfer station and dump were closing, there was no way that I could make it to either one of them in time. It's all ready to go first thing tomorrow. I cut back my white mallow stalks as it was mostly in seed already. Now my orange lilies are more visible. I also dusted and put away my birthday presents and tidied up some things

Monday, after visiting the community compost with the Birch cuttings, I must pick up my photos at the fairgrounds, bring them home, try to get them off the foam core boards and back into my album.

It's supposed to be 32ÂșC in the afternoon. We don't have air conditioners in our homes so I'm planning to pick up a couple of friends to go cool off in the river.

When I was at the river on Saturday evening three children had found an interesting way to have a lot of muddy fun. They cleaned up quickly by swimming in the river.
