The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25336   Message #296650
Posted By: mousethief
13-Sep-00 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: What can't be talked about here?
Subject: RE: What can't be talked about here?
Little Hawk: can we sing about it?

We can talk about the Irish problem,
Earwigs, lice, and roaches
But there's one subject we will not breach
That never will encroach us

We can talk about sex, and God, and Goddess,
Birth and death and war,
But don't bring up Little Hawk's chinchilla
That's not what Mudcat is for!

The sex life of chinchillas
Is way off bounds, it's true!
Although it might've thrilled us
To learn how those things screw
The sex life of chinchillas
We mustn't talk about
Or Little Hawk might just get mad
And sit right down and pout

Now we can talk about gun control
And politics and drugs
And things that make your mother faint
Like gross brain-drilling bugs

But Little Hawk's Chinchilla
Is very shy and proper
We mustn't mention boy chinchillas
We have seen atop her

(repeat chorus)

