The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131480   Message #2966827
Posted By: olddude
16-Aug-10 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: God balances the books
Subject: RE: BS: God balances the books
You point I understand Bill, the danger in religion is when people think they understand the plan of God .. Either blame God or credit him. I suspect it has nothing at all to do with either but that is just my belief. It is when religious beliefs start to step on the rights of others then sure people should cry foul. Likewise I see too many people without faith trying to blame all problems on religion .. when in fact that is not true either .. Good and Bad people from all walks of life .. and many are as bad as the TV preachers trying to convert others to their idea of what life is about.

Miracles, sure do believe in them, I saw a stage 4 cancer disappear from prayer that the docs called Miracle .. but people with faith would say sure thing happens all the time, people without would say .. great med treatment .. no two will ever agree. But my belief says God doesn't create accidents nor does he intervene ... it is life and that is our burden, our test of faith ... Intervention comes from asking more on matters of the soul .. and sometimes prayer does fix health issues ... but that is my belief and I do not expect anyone but me to follow it ..