The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131474   Message #2966887
Posted By: MGM·Lion
17-Aug-10 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: Nic Jones on stage again????
Subject: RE: Nic Jones on stage again????
Bernard: The semi-vegetative state you refer to didn't last all that long ~~ a matter of months merely. We lived fairly close at the time of the accident, in N Cambs villages about 12 miles apart, and visited one another's homes frequently, until the Joneses soon afterwards moved to Yorkshire ~~ I think they now live in the SW but have lost touch, I fear. Anyhow, my point is that the really sad time was when Nic came back to himself and realised that he would never be able to perform again, or be the same man, as before the accident. I recall one time we were at their house in Doddington. Nic got his fiddle out and managed to scrape a sort of tune, so I picked up the guitar and strummed along. I shall never forget the bitterness in his tone as he said, facetiously with an attempt at a smile, "Wow, that's good; let's do gigs!" Recalling it in the car on the way home, my wife burst into tears.

I am glad to learn from this thread that he is still about the scene and at least doing something.
