The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131515   Message #2967589
Posted By: Genie
17-Aug-10 - 11:08 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: Like an Eagle Loves the Wind (Walls)
Subject: Lyr Add: Limeliters or Gatlin Brothers song
OK, I give up!
There's a song portion that's stuck in my mind and I've tried every Google angle I can think of (plus and artists' web pages) but to no avail.   So I'll just throw it out here and see if someone can help refresh my memory.

The song was one I heard on a TV performance back in the 1980s by either The Limeliters (with Red Grammer) or The Gatlin Brothers.   I'm inclined to think it was The Limeliters. But I can't find any song titles on either website or on tracklists at Amazon for either group, so I'm stumped.

The song was a sort of love song about a special but transient love affair, and the lines I remember are:

She was warmer than a small-time cordial evening in July,
And she loved me like the eagle loves the wind he sails upon."

Does that ring any bells with any of you 'cats?
