The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131405   Message #2967808
Posted By: Matthew Edwards
18-Aug-10 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS sacking of Nick Hallam - wtf?
Subject: RE: EFDSS sacking of Nick Hallam - wtf?
The English Folk Dance and Song Society (EFDSS) posted the following notice on its website on 16 August 2010:-

"The board of EFDSS is aware of the debate on folk music internet forums concerning Nick Hallam. However the board and senior management of EFDSS must deal with internal procedures in a private and confidential manner."

While this is quite right and proper, I feel that the Board and senior management need to respond more fully to the concern expressed by many members about the direction of the Society in the light of these matters. It is not the role of the Board, and still less of the membership, or the many articulate supporters who are not members, to interfere in staffing matters. However all these parties do have a legitimate interest in asking what the Society sees its role to be. I can understand that a genuine differences of opinion can exist between members of staff, and would feel that healthy debate can only serve to ensure that the Society's aims and objectives are clear to all. If, in the end, there are still strongly incompatible views, then obviously something has to give. What mustn't happen is for the Society to close the doors and not communicate with the membership. In the internet age good communication is essential. I'd like to invite the parties involved to be allowed to make brief public statements explaining their positions - but not going into matters which are personal and confidential.

We sometimes forget what a small organisation the EDFSS is, with a staff of only 16 people some of whom work part-time, a membership of 2,908 (at 31 March 2009), and an annual income in 2008-09 of only £730,496. Given these very slender resources it is something of a miracle that the EFDSS achieves as much as it does. My own impression has been that Nick Hallam's work has very strongly promoted the interests of the Society in London and beyond, and for that reason I have signed the petition in favour of his reinstatement.

Matthew Edwards