The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25279   Message #296852
Posted By: GUEST,John Bauman
13-Sep-00 - 09:57 PM
Thread Name: The term 'folk Nazi'
Subject: RE: The term 'folk Nazi'
Greg F,

In what way(s) have you found R Limbaugh to be bigotted? How have you found him to be misogynist? To which fraternity did he pledge?


Very nice post. I agree with the initial premise of this post. What I've tried so poorly to convey, and the reason I felt the pull to respond to the thread, is that I have found myself like GUEST Steve Beisser(sp) before me, accused falsely of an extreme position. It seems as though the false accusation/use of the word N*** cannot be proven/stated and left alone without someone then advancing the notion that the things I believe in ARE n***-like. I know I should not be so thin skinned.

You folks are a great, eye-opening, good-humoured bunch and I've enjoyed my visits to your forum very much.

Thanks for allowing me to hang out with you. Cheers!
