The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8372   Message #2968571
Posted By: Jim Dixon
19-Aug-10 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Bridget O'Flynn (Where've Ya Been?)
Subject: Lyr Add: BRIDGET O'FLYNN (Happiness Boys)
You can hear this recording at The Internet Archive. The voices of Mother and Bridget are sung or spoken in falsetto. Here's my transcription:

As sung by Billy Jones and Ernest Hare (The Happiness Boys) on Columbia # 875-D, recorded January 27, 1927.

SOUND of a cuckoo clock striking three.
MOTHER: Mike, Mike, what time was that?
FATHER: Three o'clock.
MOTHER: Three o'clock in the mornin' and you're still waitin' up?
FATHER: Well, if I'm not in bed, I'm still waitin' up, ain't I?
MOTHER: I suppose so.
FATHER: You suppose so? You know so! And what's more, I'm goin' to keep waitin' up till that daughter of ours comes home.
MOTHER: Do you think your sittin' there like an old fool will make her get in any quicker?
FATHER: I don't think it will make her get in any quicker, but I do think it will give her a chance to tell us somethin' quicker.
MOTHER: Well, don't start an argument now. The middle of the night is no time for a fight.
FATHER: Any time's the time to fight with me. Sh! There's someone comin' up the stairs now. There's the key in the door. It's her. ...
FATHER: Bridget O'Flynn.
BRIDGER: Yes, father dear ....
FATHER: How cute you're sneakin' in.
BRIDGET: I believe I'm here.
FATHER: Yeah. Look at the state of your Sunday clothes.
BRIDGET: Look at my shoes and me new silk hose.
FATHER: You've been doin' the Charleston, I suppose.
BRIDGET: What do you mean, Charleston?
FATHER: Bridget O'Flynn.
FATHER: Just say your prayers.
BRIDGET: What for?
FATHER: You'll need them when your mother comes downstairs. Bridget O'Flynn—
BRIDGET: What do you want?
FATHER: Where have you been?
BRIDGET: I was out.
FATHER: This is a nice time for you to come in.
BRIDGET: Well, the boyfriend took me for a ride.
FATHER: I suppose the car broke down.
BRIDGET: Why, no, we just run out of gas about ten miles from town.
FATHER: And you walked home.
BRIDGET: Look at my shoes ...
FATHER: You did. Both your story and your shoes are mighty thin.
BRIDGET: Ah, what do you want a girl to do?
FATHER: If you have any friends that own a canoe—
FATHER: Don't go near the water, Bridget darlin'.

FATHER: Bridget O'Flynn—
BRIDGET: Don't holler so. I hear ya.
FATHER: You'll not get out again.
BRIDGET: Where will I go?
FATHER: After last night you went far enough.
Was it from your mother you learned this stuff?
You and your paint and fancy powder puff.
BRIDGET: You forgot the lipstick.
FATHER: Bridget O'Flynn—
BRIDGET: Uh-huh.
FATHER: You'll get it yet.
FATHER: Tell me now who owns that cigarette.
BRIDGET: Ask ma. She knows.
FATHER: Bridget O'Flynn—
FATHER: Where've you been?
BRIDGET: Leave me alone.
FATHER: This is a nice time for you to come in.
BRIDGET: (Sobs.) I went to see the big parade.
FATHER: The big parade, me eye.
Sure no parade is goin' to take that long in passin' by.
BRIDGET: Father, I'll ....
FATHER: See that you do.
BRIDGET: Give me a chance.
FATHER: Go on, go on.
BRIDGET: There was nothin' wrong. I just went to a dance.
FATHER: Well, take my advice and behave yourself,
For as long as your father's got his health,
He's a better man than you are, Bridget darlin'.

FATHER AND MOTHER: Bridget O'Flynn, where've you been, Bridget O'Flynn?
Sure am I waitin' for you to begin.
We want the truth and nothin' but. Now tell us what occurred.
And we'll inform you in advance, we'll not believe a word.
Bridget O'Flynn, don't you ...
There's information we are lookin' for.
FATHER: Just keep away from those dancin' halls.
There's nobody there worthwhile at all.
BRIDGET: That's where you met my mother, father darlin'.

[Also recorded by Billy Murray & A. Stanley, Black & White, Bob Thomas & Billy West, Harmony Bros, Jack Kaufman, Philips & Moore, The Okeh Kut-Ups. This information from the Online 78-rpm Discographical Project.]