The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131405   Message #2968650
Posted By: Les in Chorlton
19-Aug-10 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS sacking of Nick Hallam - wtf?
Subject: RE: EFDSS sacking of Nick Hallam - wtf?
I think this, from John P above, should be reposted every other post:

"I posted this three days ago. Many of you apparently need to read it again and again and again until you understand the basic concepts involoved. In short, GET A CLUE!

If you were sacked, would you want the details to be aired and discussed on a website? If you were an employer, in which universe would it be appropriate to discuss the contents of an employee's personnel folder with a bunch of anonymous people on Mudcat?

I work for a company that is part of the folk music community, and have sometimes had to sack people who are well-known members of the local folk scene. This is never done without lots of long discussions, soul-searching, and being very sure that there isn't another solution. Almost everything I've seen in this thread so far has been very similar to I've experienced in those situations: people who don't know (and shouldn't know!) the details feel free to make comments and insist that the organization that did the sacking "explain themselves". I've been accosted at parties with "what the hell are you people doing over there"? Unfortunately, as an employer, it would be rude, inappropriate, damaging, and possibly illegal to give any substantive details.

If you are a member of the organization, contact them and find out what they have to say. If you disagree with what they say, start working for change in your organization. If you're not a member, you have no standing to say anything at all."

With all due respect

L in C#
EFDSS member - just about and with many reservations