The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25279   Message #296867
Posted By: CamiSu
13-Sep-00 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: The term 'folk Nazi'
Subject: RE: The term 'folk Nazi'
Oh Jenny,

You and your step-grandmother were just who I was thinking of when I made my comment about stones in the road. The words we put out here, and ESPECIALLY here where we don't know who is there to hear, can and usually will HURT someone. And these words in particular will have the power to hurt unto the seventh generation. And if we forget, those who continue to hold these abhorrent ideas are out there, just waiting, to remind us again.

When they came for the Jews, I said nothing, because I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for the Gypsies, I said nothing, because I wasn't a Gypsy.

When they came for the homosexuals, I said nothing, because I wasn't a Homosexual.

When they came for the Christians, I said nothing, because I wasn't a Christian.

When they came for me, there was no one left to speak.

I know this isn't exactly the quote, but it gets the idea across. Right now in Vermont they are coming for the homosexuals, or trying to.

Jenny, your step grandmother is like so many who were ordinary people who became heroes because it had to be done. God bless her and all like her and may we do the same when we have to.

Cami Su

p.s. My mom's husband (sorry, he's too young to be my stepdad, but he's still the best thing that ever happened to Mom) loved it when my youngest gave me a menorah he made for Christmas!