The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131534   Message #2968806
Posted By: GUEST,mauvepink
19-Aug-10 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: 10 year old rapists get coddled
Subject: RE: BS: 10 year old rapists get coddled
Why stop worshipping children?

I worship my daughter and granddaughgter. I am not ashamed to say so. That does not mean I would excuse any bad deeds they did or have not 'had words' over any naughty behaviours as they grew up. Worshipping your children, and others for that matter, is not about excusing things they do wrong. It is very much about teaching them what is right/wrong, appropriate/inappropriate, whilst allowing them the chance to develop their own value system and respecting their points of view.

People seem to struggle these days on where to draw the line between dicipline and abuse. Fact is I believe all good parents know exactly where that line is but may not be able to define it.

I have been blessed by my daughter and granddaughter's life. They have never caused me troubles or gotten into trouble. They. too, have seemed to know where not to cross a line. When they got close to a bondary it was reinforced and explained. Children seem to love having solid, consitent boundaries to grow up around.

Nothing wrong in worshipping children nor holding them on a pedestal. What we need do is stop thinking we adults have all the answers. I used to say there is not right way to bring up a child. There are lots of bad ways. But for the grace of God go I....

As a parent I made mistakes I have not made as a grandparent. My daughter still loves me and she now knows why I had to do some of the things I did back then. I did not always get it right but when I got it wrong I apologised and tried to make up for it.

If we are not to worship our children who are we left to worship? Those children are who hold tomorrow's answers...
