The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2969591
Posted By: Don Firth
20-Aug-10 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Once again, for the umpteenth time in the duration of this thread, Ake abandons all science and rational thought by reasserting the medieval belief of "spontaneous generation:    the idea the living creatures, such as insects, mice and rats, and miscellaneous other vermin (and as Ake seems to be postulating, viruses) are generated spontaneously under unsanitary conditions, without any kind of living forebears, such as parent organisms.

News Flash, Ake!!!!   Louis Pasteur conducted a number of rigorous experiments back in the mid-1800s that refuted this belief once and for!

The HIV/AIDS virus was essentially confined to African monkeys, and was transmitted to humans during the illegal poaching of primates for the "bush meat" trade. The virus is found in blood and other bodily fluids and is transmitted by this vector.

Not by homosexual activity per se.

One of the two people has to be infected already for the other to become infected by the virus. If there is no virus there to begin with, all the sexual activity of any sort between the two people in question will not create the virus.

This is basic epidemiology!!

Get it?

Reread this at least twenty times a day for as long as it takes for it to finally sink in.

(Of course Amos might have it right. Some horny Scotsman who happened to be in Africa, lovesick for his favorite flock of ewes [especially the one with the long eyelashes], turning to an infected monkey for solace. But the other monkeys observing this, wound up laughing among themselves and chattering, "Good grief! Of all the cutie-pies in the pack, he picked Ugly Myrtle!!")

Don Firth