The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131549   Message #2970223
Posted By: Steve Gardham
21-Aug-10 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: Traditional singer definition
Subject: RE: Traditional singer definition
I'm presuming these comments are tongue in cheek, Arthur.
I can't think of a single 32-verse song that is utterly boring. I can think of many recently composed songs that are.

When you can give us a 32-verse song, or even a title of one, that is utterly boring I might just concede, but all the ones I have heard are full of murders, rape, supernatural happenings, love intrigues, battles, shipwrecks etc. Whatever they are I don't think they could be described as 'boring'!

I'd bet more people conjure up pictures of Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger and their modern equivalents than your little outdated list.