The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131549   Message #2970402
Posted By: Howard Jones
22-Aug-10 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: Traditional singer definition
Subject: RE: Traditional singer definition
Lighter, any activity, professional, sporting or cultural, needs its specialist language to cover matters and nuances that aren't of interest to the wider world, but which are meaningful to those involved. That is the proper meaning, and proper use, of jargon.

For most people, the distinction between different types of folk singer, or types of folk music, is of no importance and they don't need a vocabulary to make that distinction. For those who are interested in folk music these distinctions are (or should be) meaningful and a specialist vocabulary is needed to express them.

I'm not sure which I find the more depressing, the inability to decide and agree on appropriate language to convey these distinctions, or that so many people with an interest in folk music apparently have no interest in making them.