The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131549   Message #2971154
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Aug-10 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: Traditional singer definition
Subject: RE: Traditional singer definition
"tell us more about the Conceits and Affections of The Revival than the aesthetics of The Tradition on which they (supposedly) model themselves"
Why do you make it a point of principle to talk through your arse?
MacColl summed up what so many revival singers were about in this - something I'm working on at present:
"As the Revival began to take hold and interest in folksong grew, he began to feel that, as heirs to a broken down culture, it was necessary for Revival singers to equip themselves to be able to sing the entire spectrum of traditional song and not limit themselves to the fairly small repertoires that most traditional singers had."
I have met very few singers who tried to model themselves on traditional singers - most of them adopted the sensible approach of drawing what they found useful from the tradition and used it in order to do their own thing - sometimes successfully, sometimes not.
Your singing, on the other hand, appears to owe very little, apart from words and tune, to the tradition.
Seems you can never resist the temptation to take a pop at the people who ploughed the furrow for us.
Jim Carroll