The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131657   Message #2971846
Posted By: johnadams
24-Aug-10 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: EFDSS and good business practice
Subject: RE: EFDSS and good business practice
Howard Jones

I can't see a need for EFDSS to organise festivals, there are already plenty of festivals throughout the country and throughout the year.

The one exception to that might be the revival of 'The National' which ran into problems due to loss of a suitable venue. It would take some money though - and Dick's touching faith that festivals make money is an easy faith to hold if you've never tried running one, especially from a standing start.

The EFDSS should be a source of information about events, but there are very few on its website. Why doesn't it provide a service like Webfeet does for e-ceilidh events? There's not even a link to it.

As an EFDSS volunteer and associate I see a few moves in this direction. The web site revamping is an ongoing operation and there are moves towards an online directory although I understand that the funding didn't come through for that development. It's early days yet and EFDSS seem to be planning carefully and choosing things which are sustainable within their present and projected resources.