The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2972215
Posted By: Ebbie
24-Aug-10 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
You know, in the 2008 presidential election although I really truly wanted the Democrats to get into office, it kept occurring to me that it would be slick justice if the Republicans won, on the premise that "You made the mess, you clean it up." Well, a Mudcatter reminded me that the stakes were too high for that, and I was glad that Barack Obama got in.

It has been a fairly thankless job so far. I think things are better than they were – and much better than they might have been – but it's a slow process, too slow for many of us. However, there are many bright spots showing in the distance, with the ever-present ugly reminder of how it could have been.. The whole thing could have collapsed and on top of a world of hurt we could have found ourselves with nation after nation pulling each other down.

So, I am very glad that Obama got in.

However, IF the Republicans this month take control of the House and possibly of the Senate and with 2012 staring us in the face I am kind of back to my original thinking. I still really truly want the country to do well and to do ever better- and to my thinking, it won't happen under the Republicans – but if the Repubs win, I'm thinkin' it serves them right.

I think that among the first things they would do is reverse as many of Obama's projects and plans as possible- which means they would reinstate the tax cuts for the rich, nullify all the programs that Obama has in process and fill the administration with people who admire and emulate figures like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Brownie and George dubya, not even to mention Palin.

What say you? What would life be like in the near future under a Republican administration?