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Thread #131682   Message #2972234
Posted By: ichMael
24-Aug-10 - 11:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Gingrich was a shill. His job was to work will Bill Clinton to kill Social Security, and they almost did it. Only the Lewinsky affair stopped it. Quit paying attention to party labels. We only have one party.

And the next president of that party will be General David Patreus. He told an Afghani reporter that he wants to be president. Patreus is not saying whether he's a Democrat or Republican (same as Eisenhower, same as Colon Powell). Obama's a farce and will face a challenger from the Democratic party. Maybe Patreus will be that challenger. He'll decided after viewing the outcome of the midterm elections. But more than likely Patreus will run as a Republican. If the country wants to "boot the bums out," then Patreus will win by a landslide.

And what would his administration be like? Well, he believes in military tribunals, so there goes trial by jury. And he's been involved with the torture policies in the mid-east, so we can expect that to be visited upon us in the U.S. Military dictatorship.

Patreus has said he would only consider running for president if he were "drafted." Witness what the media did with a brokeback crack-smokin' man-whore like Obama. Made him a celebrity. Imagine what they'll do with a zillion-star general. Once Patreus gets in, he will become our Caeser. If you question him, you question America, and that can't be allowed.

And it has nothing to do with party politics. It is the elite installing yet another oppressor to carry out their will. But folks'll whine about Patreus the Democrat or Patreus the Republican (whichever he ends up deciding on). The elite always give us a face to get mad at. That's how they control us.