The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2972239
Posted By: Joe Offer
24-Aug-10 - 11:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
I wonder if Mudcat's Favorite Conspiracy Theorist will learn to spell the name of General David Howell Petraeus, should Petraeus run for office.

Still, I have to say that the Republicans are pulling every dirty trick in the book in their attempt to get Barack Obama out of office, to the point where it does look like some sort of conspiracy. The "birther" and "Barack is a Muslim" movements seem to be gaining strength, and the Republicans are sitting back and doing nothing to refute that crap. And now there's the New York Islamic Center non-issue, about a building proposed for a run-down side street two blocks away from "Ground Zero." What will be their next attempt to defame Obama? More immigration nonsense?

I really hope the voters wake up to the fact that the Republicans are feeding them nothing but garbage - but it looks like too many voters are eating that crap for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
