The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126523   Message #2972306
Posted By: Joe Offer
25-Aug-10 - 02:47 AM
Thread Name: Aine's Mudcat Songbook PermaThread
Subject: SB: Jesus Is Coming -- Look Busy! by Praise

Jesus Is Coming -- Look Busy! by Praise

The master gave a project.
Assigned it long ago.
Salvation of the masses,
And Jesus' way to go.
And back to us He promised
That He would surely be.
To monitor our progress,
And gauge our victory.

Oh Jesus (Oh Jesus) is coming (is coming)
Yes Jesus (Oh Jesus) is coming (is coming)
Better straighten up your desk,
Better have a good report,
Oh-o Jesus is coming-- Look busy!

I heard it on the e-mail,
Have you checked your box today?
An all-staff notification,
To settle down and pray.
The big event is happening--
It could be now I heard--
The work review He promised,
Or did you miss the Word?

I mean Jesus (Oh Jesus) is coming (is coming),
Yes Jesus (Oh Jesus) is coming (is coming).
Better straighten up your desk,
Better have a good report,
Oh-o Jesus is coming-- Look busy!

We thought we had forever,
We thought that time was ours.
We failed to see the deadline
For all our feeble human powers.
We hoped the next department
Would finish all the work,
We thought no one would notice
If all day long we shirked.

But Jesus (Oh Jesus) is coming (is coming),
Yes Jesus (Oh Jesus) is coming (is coming).
Better straighten up your desk,
Better have a good report,
Oh-o Jesus is coming-- Look busy!

The cubicles are humming
Where yesterday were jokes.
The parking lot now empty
Where half the company smokes.
Up every hall and passage,
Throughout the NHQ,
The managers are thinking quick
And so, my friend, should you!

For Jesus (Oh Jesus) is coming (is coming),
Yes Jesus (Oh Jesus) is coming (is coming).
Better straighten up your desk,
Better have a good report,
Oh-o Jesus is coming-- Look busy!

His imminent arrival
We never thought we'd see.
But Someone's heading right this way
He'll get to you and me.
Yes Jesus dressed in suit and tie
Escorted by the boss,
Collecting your statistics,
Of profit and of loss!

Is that Jesus (Oh Jesus) who's coming
(who's coming)?
Yes Jesus (Oh Jesus) is coming (is coming).
Better straighten up your desk,
Better have a good report,
Oh-o Jesus is coming-- Look busy!

Promotion now or pink slip,
Which will it be for you?
His entourage is out on front,
His limo in plain view.
There's just a little time left
To do a bit of work.
Oh hurry and get started,
I hear this guy's a jerk!

Yes Jesus (Oh Jesus) is coming (is coming),
Yes Jesus (Oh Jesus) is coming (is coming).
Better straighten up your desk,
Better have a good report,
Oh-o Jesus is coming-- Look busy!