The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131657   Message #2972326
Posted By: Howard Jones
25-Aug-10 - 03:36 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS and good business practice
Subject: RE: EFDSS and good business practice
Dick, The problem with a low-key festival without top-name (and therefore expensive) guests is that they attract fewer people and can charge less. The financial risk may also be less, but it would still demand an investment of time and resources, probably including paid staff time. Is that a good use of the Society's resources, in return for what would probably be a fairly small profit?

You might get some big-name performers willing to donate their services to a one-off event, but you appear to be arguing for the Society to get back into organising multiple festivals on a long-term basis.

Besides, is raising revenue the main issue? Of course, additional funds are always welcome, but according to the January 2010 Board Minutes the "EFDSS had a healthy cash position in line with budget". To me, the more interesting question is what its doing with the resources it already has, which include a substantial grant from the Arts Council.