The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2972427
Posted By: Bobert
25-Aug-10 - 07:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
If ya'' remember the horror and fear of waht it was like the last few months of the Bush administration with two unfunded wars and an economy in collapse, a Repub administartion would be like that scenerio becomin the new 'default"...

The insanity of trying to fix the deficits without increasing revenues at the expense of millions of elederly living at or just below the poverty line would craete a country with upwards of 30% of its citizens living in poverty and old people losing their homes or apartments and dying in the streets as Republican's walked right by them as if they didn't exist...

Their is a misconception that has been promoted by folks like GfS that therer is no difference bewteen the two parties... That played well for a long time but that song is worn out and that dog don't hunt... The new brand of Repubs aren't Repubs at all... They are extremely rich people who have hated the New Deal forever and want it gone and have used their money to buy the media and to buy morons who are clueless as they sign on to one emotional issue after another thinking that these rich people have their best interests in hand... They are very much likew the "horses" in Animal Farm... Well meaning pe3rhaps... Motivated, fir sure... But too stupid to know they are being led into gas chambers as they are told that they are just going in to take a nice, warm shower...
