The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123715   Message #2972463
Posted By: Desi C
25-Aug-10 - 08:15 AM
Thread Name: What Song for Your Funeral?
Subject: RE: What Song for Your Funeral?
I felt after reading your post, I want a invite to your funeral, I really would. As for me I had pretty much the same thoughts as yourself after a musical visit to my home town of Kilkenny last September, and I was inspired to write m own song to 'pass on' by, It's called Singing In Kilkenny. By chance when back in Kilkenny this july the new Mayor heard me singing it and has adopted it for his term of office, so I want to be dispatched to that and I guess it's a way of leaving something of MY otherwise wasted life behind, here's the first verse

They'll be singing in Kilkenny when it's time for me to go
Sweet songs in my memory, in tones soft and low
Songs of dear old Ireland, and rebels so long ago
They'll be singing in Kilkenny when I go

(c) Desi C 20009 all rights reserved

I'd also suggest
No Regrets
Sing As We Go
Going Underground
A Daisy A Day
Desi C xx