The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131692   Message #2972569
Posted By: GUEST,Hilary
25-Aug-10 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Lily Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
Subject: lily rosemary and the jack of hearts
Has anyone else considered the idea that Lily in the song could be based on Lily Langtry? I have never seen liner notes for this song, so I'm not sure what Dylan's reasoning behind writing it was. But think about it. She's an actress who's been a mistress of many men, even one like Big Jim who seems to be almost a king. The song features a hanging judge who frequently gets drunk. This could easily be Judge Roy Bean whose nickname was the Hanging Judge. Oddly enough, there has been nothing else on the internet at all related to this idea. But it seems so obvious to me. I can't believe that no one's ever drawn this conclusion.