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Thread #131682   Message #2972604
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
25-Aug-10 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Bobert: "Their is a misconception that has been promoted by folks like GfS that therer is no difference bewteen the two parties... That played well for a long time but that song is worn out and that dog don't hunt... The new brand of Repubs aren't Repubs at all... They are extremely rich people who have hated the New Deal forever and want it gone and have used their money to buy the media and to buy morons who are clueless as they sign on to one emotional issue after another thinking that these rich people have their best interests in hand..."

I have long suspected that George Soros was calling the shots in this last political election.."
THIS IS LONG BUT extremely important for all Americans to understand
THE GUY WHO PULLS OBAMA'S STRINGS..A powerful and wealthy socialist ... And this man is an unofficial adviser and financial source to Obama??The bottom third confirms Soros goals for the U.S.A very sobering read.

Who Is George Soros?
This is necessary to understand, please read it all.

George Soros was powerful enough to bring the market down in 2 days so we best know his goals.
Look at this quote from him, "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States."
Here is what (CBS') Mr. (Steve) Kroft's research has turned up. Bit of a read, but it took 4 months to put it together.
"George Soros is an evil man. He's anti-God, anti-family, anti-American, and anti-good." He killed and robbed his own Jewish people.
If George Soros isn't the world's preeminent "malignant messianic narcissist," he'll do until Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot are reincarnated.
What we have in Soros, is a multi-billionaire atheist, with skewed moral values, and a sociopaths lack of conscience. He considers himself to be an elitist world class philosopher, despises the American Way and just loves to do social engineering (change cultures).   
György Schwartz, better known to the world as George Soros, was born August 12, 1930 in Hungary. Soros' father, Tivadar, was a fervent practitioner of the Esperanto a language invented in 1887, and designed to be the first global language, free of any national identity.

The Schwartz's, who were non-practicing Jews, changed the family name to Soros, in order to facilitate assimilation into the gentile population, as the Nazis spread into Hungary during the 1930s.
When Hitler's henchman Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary, to oversee the murder of that country's Jews, George Soros ended up with a man whose job was confiscating property from the Jewish population. Soros went with him on his rounds.

Maybe time to re-evaluate???