The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2972609
Posted By: Bobert
25-Aug-10 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Another right winged blogger with too much time on his hands...

(Well, Boberdz... Why does he has so much time on his hands???)

Maybe because this is his job... There Are alot of rightie bloggers gettin six figures to just sit in front of their computers and twist facts into pretzels and come up with the most astounding conspircay theories... But, hey, it's a job, right??? The rich can afford a batallian of six-figure creeps like this... The left??? Not so...

No wonder 31% of the Amefrican people think Obama is a Muslim...

The left hasn't ever had equal time... Now the right owns most corporate media, all these well paid hatchetmen and so what we have a perfect storm for Boss Hog to take out the New Deal... That was the dream of his daddy and his grand-daddy and the right wing is now in postition to do it...

They almost did it with George Bush but ran outta time... Another year is what they needed to destroy our country as we know it... It's kinda like a prize fight... Boss Hog has a big round ith George Bush and the country was saved by the bell (the elction of Obama) but let there be no doubt about it, the right winged has no policy psoitons accept pushing fear, fear and more fear as it tries to bring the nation down... And make no bones about, that is exactly their intent, folks... Bring it down so that they can redo it the way they want where there will be no unions, no one except tyhem will own much of anything, people won't be allowed to retire and where everyone is scambling aginst one another trying to keep a roof over their head and a can of beans on the shelf... That, my fiend's is what the John Beohners of the world want to see... A complete melt down...
