The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2972610
Posted By: Bill D
25-Aug-10 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
The question needs to be specific to note that a "Republican" administration right now would be largely the extreme form populated by Tea Partyers and nut jobs like Sharron Angle and Michelle Bachmann who are able to spout nonsense without raising a sweat...and sometimes nonsense 180° from the nonsense they spouted yesterday.

It feel like the inmates trying to get control of the asylum, with almost incoherent ideas of what they would DO if they won! They don't have 'plans', they have slogans and wishes. They say "Big Government is BAD!" and "Down With Regulation" and "Stop Runaway Spending"...then they proceed to do whatever form of those fits the 'Slogan de'Jour'.

IF they win, look for many of the items mousethief listed to be put forward, with an eye towards cramming as much as possible thru before the voters realize "What Hath Got Wrought".

I am convinced that a significant number of the far right are expecting *the end of the world* pretty soon..(2012 & all that) and just want to shape their final days to be as favorable to THEM as possible.