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Thread #131682   Message #2972611
Posted By: olddude
25-Aug-10 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Look I do know there are stupid people out there that believe in the mud slinging that keeps running around the internet about the Dems Obama and everyone else who is trying to do something decent for a change (including some republicans that don't fit the bill of the party). I also think he got elected because the majority of Americans are too smart to fall for that crap.

Likewise the next election will be based on performance. Right now I see no one in the republican party that seems to have the goods to win anything. They embraced this far right agenda and it is going to come back to bite them like it did before. If they run someone who is a thinking person with solutions and not bumper sticker commentary then maybe they have some chance. However, that won't happen. The problem with embracing a far right or far left agenda is you are stuck with the consequences. You cannot bash Obama, call him a socialist and then try to run a candidate that is middle ground ..
you shoot yourself in the ass by doing so ...

I suspect unless the Republican's change their focus and do it fast, they lose again ... big .. or unless the Dems do something so stupid that people pull the lever just to protest. That is a concern also