The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2973470
Posted By: Genie
26-Aug-10 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
BB, here's another example of how the media "spins" the facts in a way that abets self-fulfilling prophecy.
You speak of Obama's "low" popularity, and the "mainstream media" have for months been leading with headlines like "Obama's ratings are at a new low" -- whether he's dropped from 70% to 60% or to 50%, etc. What they conveniently (or lazily?) neglect to mention is that a) Obama got "only" about 54% of the popular vote when he was elected (and that's considered be a "landslide" or close to it, because elections are often closer than that), and b) many other Presidents, e.g., the sainted Ronald Reagan, had ratings at or below Obama's at the same points in their Presidencies.    GWB's ratings during his second term often dipped below 30% favorable.

What's amazing (and heartening) to me is that Obama's approval ratings continue to be near 50% in most polls despite being criticized by many in the media for just about everything he does and despite having more venom thrown at him than any President I can remember.