The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131728   Message #2973908
Posted By: VirginiaTam
27-Aug-10 - 08:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: having a bad week?
Subject: RE: BS: having a bad week?

hips throbbing like toothache for about 2 weeks now. Chemo nausea all night, migraine w/nausea this morning and yesterday morning a 40 minute episode of excruciating jaw ache (both of them) and sensation that appx 60 pound weight was sitting on my upper chest. My colleague said I went grey and called the first aider who wanted to call NHS Direct. I just went for a slow walk around until it became tolerable enough to work.

I still feel like shite warmed over today.

But think I will take my probs against the skunk any day.