The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131728   Message #2973916
Posted By: Bat Goddess
27-Aug-10 - 08:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: having a bad week?
Subject: RE: BS: having a bad week?
Well, apart from getting drenched to the skin getting to and from Tom's doctor's offices via public transport in Boston on Wednesday, and really tearing up my sprained foot and out of whack knee (now both vying to be most the painful), and having found out yesterday that I was secret shopped for the second time in less than a month (both reports exceptionally favorable, though) and not having a raise (sort of expected) show up in last Friday's paycheck (haven't had a raise since December 2008), we're doing okay.

The good news is Tom's vocal restoration is about to start, we've got five new cords of firewood in the driveway, I have a steady job (even if it means being on my sprained foot and wonky knee all day), we're going into winter with practically new tires on the car, the sun is shining, and the Press Room session is this afternoon after work.
