The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #990   Message #2974
Posted By: Ralph Butts
09-Mar-97 - 05:13 PM
Thread Name: Loch Lomond/Red is the Rose
Subject: Loch Lomond/Red is the Rose
Interested in earlier threads involving these songs. Can anyone provide info regarding: Authorship, year of origin, etc. Someone said that Red is the Rose was earlier, but both used a melody that was older still. Any other songs with that melody?

Given the tone of Loch Lomond, esp. regarding the "low road" return of the spirit to home, I always wondered why people sing usually sing this song in an such ebulliant, hi-ho, back-slapping manner. It's a truly sad song and should be presented accordingly. Ditto for Red is the Rose.

Any info greatly appreciated. Thanks...Tiger