The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131735   Message #2974283
Posted By: VirginiaTam
27-Aug-10 - 06:38 PM
Thread Name: How to play bones, spoons & castanets
Subject: How to play bones, spoons & castanets
Recently purchased pair of bones and pair of wooden castanets.

Lets start with the bones. I am having some problems

1. The grip. - I've tried placing the anchor bone between thumb and index and between index and middle fingers. The first position I find the anchor bone is not aligned with the swinging bone. And it grows more out of line the more I try to create sound. In the second position the swinging bone keeps flying out from between middle and third finger.

2. The movement. I have been practising every evening and all day today but I rarely get sound (grip on swinging bone too loose). When I do get sound I cannot make it consistent, much less rhythmic. Tried turning the whole forearm side to side and flick the hand backwards.

Seems I get the best result when I am not thinking about it.

That's enough to be getting on with. I have tried Youtube videos. this one is pretty good but needs more time spent and better shots on holding and moving.

Any tips?