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Thread #131682   Message #2974722
Posted By: Stringsinger
28-Aug-10 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Genie, I take your point. Revolution has always had an interpretation of violence attached to it. Perhaps a better word would be "non-violent movement" as in opposition to the Vietnam War. (Also opposition to the Iraq and Afghan wars as well).

The problem with Repubs is that they take a narrow authoritarian view of government
and are generally pro-war. Anti-war activists are reviled by Repubs. They also support the malfeasance of corporations such as Big Pharma, Oil Companies, Wall Street and the Military Industrial Complex. The "reasonable" Republican is an endangered species. There have been some but they have been co-opted or maybe a better term would be "hijacked" by reactionary leadership of their Party.

George Lakoff has identified and worked with the problem of authoritarianism versus
a nurturing view of politics in society. (Unfortunately I am unable to find a site for Lakoff's
Rockbridge Institute which is doing great work. Hope they're still in business.)

Some are what Lakoff calls "biconceptuals"...they have an authoritarian way of life but ascribe to liberal (nurturing) ideas and vice versa. There are Republicans who are like this.

Unfortunately the economic policies (or lack of them) in Republican circles could spell
disaster for the economy. George W. Bush created the conditions for our economic woes today by weakening government agencies such as the SEC as well as all the other agencies under his administration which were sold out to corporate malfeasance. A GOP economic
policy would be a continuation of the disastrous Bush years. Clinton must bear responsibility however for dismantling Glass/Steagal.

John Roberts of the Supreme Court is the reason corporate power will influence elections in the future by his specious ruling on "Citizens United". The GOP supports this without

In short, if the Republicans gain power, the US is in for some very rough times.