The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2974958
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Aug-10 - 01:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Exactly! ;-)

First the Republicans smack you right between the eyes with a vicious right. "Those bastards!", you think. "I'll fix them." You vote Democratic.

Then the Democrats nail you with a left hook. ARRGH! You hit the mat for a five count. If you really hate the Republicans so badly that you just can't admit you just got hit by the Democrats, then you get up, pretend it was an accident, and right about then you get a solid left kick to the balls by the Democrats.

This time you go down even harder. By the time you're on your feet again you are too confused to even focus, so it's really easy for the Republicans to deliver another vicious RIGHT that lays you out flat as a flounder.

And the game goes on.... ;-) They win, you lose. They alternate punches, you absorb the damage. You are the invisible punching bag that stands between those 2 parties and takes the hits.

Afterward you fight with the rest of the eqully punchdrunk and battered audience about it, and blame the half who bet on the other guy to win. You get to fight about it with the other audience members for four years...till the next heavyweight championship bout.