The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2975166
Posted By: Bobert
29-Aug-10 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Exactly, Greg... But it's alot easier to do an old song than learn a new one...

Here's what people are leaving out of the discussion... Ever since the New Deal there has been a group of people hell-bent on reversing it, just like a woman's right to choose... So they came up with this "Starve the Beast" strategy were they bankrupt the federal government and then hold up their arms and say "Geezem ya'll... We're sorry but we have run outta money... We have seen every Republican administration going back 30 years try to do just that: bankrupt the federal government...

George Bush will also be a hero in that circle 'cause he almost pulled it off... The only thing that saved the government was that Bush ran out of time... Another 6 months and he would have pl;unged a stake thru the heart and the righties would have been poppin' the corks...

To Wit: Now you have Repub saying that allowing the Bush tax cuts (starve the beast) to expire is "job'killing"... Huh??? The Fat Cats are sitting on at least $1.8T they won't invest now in jobs but the cuurent batch or Repubs, inspite of tax rates being lower than anytime in the last 40 years, say that if the rich jujst had more money then thry'd create jobs??? Sheet fire, ya'll... Some real messed up thinking here if we're dealing with reality... But, if the goal is to "Starve the Beast" then bring it on!!!

And the moronish Tea Partiers, who will be hurt the most, are steppin' to plate and standing up for the "starve the beasters"???

So, fir ya'll who wanta sit on the side line and sing the "Both Sides Blues", have at it... Just know in doing so your vote is for bankrupting the federal government and killing the New Deal...

Speakin' of deals??? That's the real deal...
