The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2975257
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Aug-10 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
I have repeatedly said that the Democractic and Republican parties are NOT identical, but that the essential problem is that they both serve entrenched corporate interests because those are the primary interests that FUND them. Because of this, they do not and cannot truly serve the public.

Why do you not get that????????????????? They don't need to be "identical" to both fail to serve YOU once they are elected.

I have always preferred the Democrats to the Republicans, and I would virtually always vote for them rather than the Republicans, I can hardly imagine a circumstance where I would vote Republican, but I know darned well that once either of those parties are in office, they will betray the hopes of most of the people who voted for them.

Listen to me. READ my lips. The Democrats and Republicans are NOT identical. NOT identical. NOT identical. NOT identical. But they are both extremely corrupt. The Republicans are, in my opinion, the worse of the two. But they are both corrupt.

Print this post out. Glue it on your monitor. So you don't forget that I have clearly said "The Democrats and Republicans are NOT identical. NOT identical. NOT identical."

Refer back to it when you need a reminder.