The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2975349
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
29-Aug-10 - 03:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Bobs: "Of course, it's gonna break up the LH/GfinS duo with you singin' a half step under her... Or not... Maybe she'll retune???"

If, by a 'duo', you mean, 'just now, for the sake of argument', I think you are tone deaf, because of the loud voices in your head yelling, 'Division through animosity for the other party', has drowned out the obvious tune! I'm quite sure, Little Hawk is an individual thinker, as I, and not taken into letting others do his thinking for him. When two individual minds, see the same thing, and are in agreement about it, and they are your friends, you might want to tell the 'voices' to 'quiet down', and consider what we are saying. I cannot find any motive within me, to deceive you.

Both 'parties' are corrupt, and do not represent neither, the will, nor intent of the genuine concerns, of their 'faithful' believers....over their own self interests, which have far more to do with their personal gain....than the well-being of you or me. They are only interested in us, to the degree in which WE, can keep them in the game!

Got it??

I know, it's both sad, and frustrating!

For what it's worth: Was in town the other day, joining some people for a small gathering, and the topic was working it's way into politics...After a bit of quiet listening and 'just being there', I was asked, "Hey, what party do you belong to?" To which I just said, "Oh, I'm not with the party, I'm with the band!"