The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131552   Message #2975520
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
29-Aug-10 - 08:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
None of this has anything to do with the Islamic Center, but the thread has digressed.
Art, I think you are wrong on that one. The middle-of-the-roaders, mostly the middle class, are angry and looking for a solution for their decreasing expectations. Of course Beck and Palin offer nothing of substance, but feel-good talky-talk. They do form a focus for their fears and worries.

Profits in businesses are down, money is short, people can't afford college for their kids, some are unemployed due to the world economic sickness, house payments are not being met. The middle class, to which they belong, has shrunk.
I hear from some of them, relatives and friends. Most are college graduates whose horizons have lowered and they are disenchanted with the government.
They blame government spending, immigration, fear increasing taxes, bemoan loss of jobs to other countries, globalization- although the latter are inevitable as others catch up and compete, and the downward trend in education leads to failure to find new directions.

They blame the administration, rightly or wrongly, and will vote for a change. Serious trouble is ahead for the party in power; some of its programs may be reversed.
Twenty-one states are considering suit over the health bill. The suits have little merit under the Constitution, but the bill could be reversed or changed by vote in Congress.

Ever since the Industrial Revolution, the moneyed interests have been blamed for subversion of public interest, but people have always looked out for their own interests, and in the long run will not be convinced to vote against them.