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Thread #131682   Message #2975594
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
29-Aug-10 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Hmm...I guess, the fact that factions of both parties, who brought you such wonderful fairy tales as "The Warren Report", the "911 Report", the attack on the USS Vincennes'(that formally brought us into the Vietnam mess), the reasoning to attack Iraq, when most of the terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, Katrina and BP oil spill responses, Kent State, Iran-Contra, Panama, CIA involvement in the drug trade, the border mess, (need I go on?) ALL had the support of BOTH parties, depending on who wanted what! Case in point: Arlen Sphincter,(D-R-D-R?) of Pa. years ago, is seen holding up the bullet, that was found on JFK's gurney, from Parkland Memorial Hospital, thus 'PROVING' the 'single bullet' theory. I think most of you may remember the photo. So the bullet, goes through JFK's head, through Connolly's car seat, into Gov. Connolly....and falls out of JFK's head, on the gurney, at the hospital!?!?..thus proving JFK, was shot with a single bullet, and Sphincter is working for who?????...all is quieted, and you can all go back to sleep! Now, it's the Mosque issue, in New York...INSTEAD of how in the fuck are we going to pay off the debt, run up by Bush/Obama??????? Who has a plan, and what is it???....and about the unemployment?....NO, let's all get emotionally heated, in your respected corners, and debate the mosque!!!...And these silly fucks are representing YOU??????????

Oh, the same Arlen Sphincter, who switches parties, around voting time on the 'health care' bill...Who are you?? Who do you really work for???......and just what do you want us to distract us from paying attention to what?!?!?

Let's All Argue!!!...........................................chumps!