The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2975811
Posted By: Bobert
30-Aug-10 - 08:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
I have absolutely no problem with GfinS's historical perspective here... Unfortunatly, most of us were witness to alot of it... That's why I jumped outta the Democratic Party after JC and over the years worked and voted for 3rd parties, mostly the Green Party...

That is not at issue here...

What is at issue is just how close the Repubs came to destroying/bankrupting the federal government under Bush... The scarey part is that Bush followed the exact path that Ronnie Reagan had blazed and so the Repubs fully understand how to "strave the beast" and bring it to it's knees...

So if we are talkig here about "What Would a Repub Admin be Like? then we really don't have to look far at what the Repubs goals are and first and formost it's "entitlements"...

Now that sounds like a decent enough goal until we strip of the sugarcaot and find that means federal money for wastefull (in their thinking) things such as:

*federal aid to eductaion

*Social Security



This isn't over-reaching or scare tactics on my part because they have said as mcuh... Heck, George Bush made a major push toward privatizing Social Security...

So, back to GfinS's list of the bad thngs the Dems ***have*** done in the past... Yeah, they ***have*** and shame on them but...

...right now, under these current circumstances and given the real threat from the extreme right, this ol' Green Party activist is more than willing to support the Dems who have shown thru their courage in passing the ***imperfcet*** health care reform bill that they may eb the last wall of defense from the Repubs finishing Bush's "starving of the beast"...

What would a Repub administion look like???

Ever see the movie "Blade Runner" or "Mad Max, After the Thunderdome"???

I mean, here's the Repubs ideal world:

*30% poverty rates for everyone ***but them***...

*vast homelessness and/or 15 people living in one 3 bedroom house for everyone ***but them***...

*20% unemployement for everyone ***but them***...

*10 year reduction in life expectancy for everyone ***but them***...

Those are just starters but they are purdy much been the ideal America of the old school Repubs who have passed down their hatred of FDR and the New Deal and I'm not sure that the current generation quite gets the ramifications of the goal that ***daddy and grand-daddy*** have passed down to them but those are the goals, none the less...
