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Thread #131682   Message #2975946
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
30-Aug-10 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Bobs: "So, back to GfinS's list of the bad thngs the Dems ***have*** done in the past... Yeah, they ***have*** and shame on them but...."

Bobert, I'm not laying the blame on the Democrats exclusively. Either you took it wrong, or you are misinterpreting what I believe I clearly said, and echoed by Little Hawk. This is NOT a SINGLE party effort or policy....This is the result of our country's system, being hijacked by the corruption, of absolutely crooked, and agenda driven climbers of power, who are working through BOTH parties, and deceiving the public, at large, as to their goals and methods...and exactly who they are, and WHAT they represent!! Here, you like small lists, check this out, and compare them to the problems now:

The Federal Reserve..and all their cronies, including Geitner, Reuben, Kissinger, Poulsen and Poulson, Gingrich just to name a few....JFK, was wanting to abolish the Fed, and signed a directive toward that, about 40 days before he was shot.

Defense..He Authorized, and set into commission the US Navy SEALS, as a result of the 'Bay of Pigs' fiasco.

He, personally NEVER signed a civil rights bill(surprise to many), however under he and Bobby, things were beginning to go that way!

Bobby went after Union corruption, and really pissed of the organized crime syndicates who were climbing up the power structure, and using the Unions as a vehicle.

Thirty days, before Dallas, signer a directive that we were NOT going to further any actions in Vietnam, and to withdraw.

In Gulf of Tonkin, was discovered MAJOR oil reserves, which conflicted with the oil companies, as to the 'interests' of 'freeing' southeast Asia.

The illegal drug markets were smaller then, and attitudes about the use of drugs were far less, than today, but organized crime, though divided, at that time, had the look at them!

Borders were defined and defended.

The CIA were at the early stages, of meshing with the organized crime elements, as a result of Castro overtaking Cuba, and offered their 'help' in 1959, meeting with Meyer Lansky's guy, Santos Trafficante, and Vice President Richard Nixon, Fontainbleu Hotel, Miami Florida, in an effort to re-take Cuba, and because of the organized crime's 'business interests' in Cuba,(read prostitution and gambling resorts), to form a 'co-operative' group made of elements of the intelligence community, and the crime syndicate.(Boy,!! I could go on about that one!!..including the Cuban 'burglars' at the Watergate Hotel!)

Anything in that list jump out at ya'???

Now we are living in the aftermath, and blaming, perfectly well- meaning and well-intentioned brothers, and citizens, of hate, bigotry, radicalism, etc etc, for unknowingly believing, what they think is true, and in the best interests of their country...when in fact, the just had the wool pulled over their eyes.

Bobert, A great deal of the policies and issues that have arisen as of the recent years, are total bullshit. The average citizen, your neighbors, don't give a rat's ass about these issues, that really don't even affect them...other than the fact, that they get their noses rubbed in it..and now HAVE to have an opinion!!...about an 'issue' that never even touches them!!!

Meanwhile, the 'scavengers of power' pick through the rubble of what is left, that they can help themselves to, in the remnant of this once great, and compassionate country.

Does what I posted here sound 'Right wing", Left wing'? political party oriented??? Hell No!..Its just what we are left with.

Meanwhile, we can all help each other out as much as we can, person to person..............................till that becomes a threat, too...or unless they can figure a way to tax it, and put a license fee on it, and make it illegal, unless you're with a government agency that does it!

Fuck THEM!
Peace, to you!