The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2976231
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
30-Aug-10 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Hi Akenaton!...
Ake: "Just as our manufacturing industries became unsustainable due to high labour and raw material costs, so our hugely expensive benefits, health care and public service systems will become unsustainable as the capitalists and their money head East.

The problem is in the economic system."

Perhaps all this focus(read: fuck us), on bullshit politics, which have been corrupted till its rotted through and through, has stifled innovation, and capital investments toward new energies, transportation, technologies. Both the rise of union crap and the exploitation of cheap labor in third world countries, because the unions have risen costs beyond its worth, through political relaxing of regulations, may play a part in it to.

Any system CAN work, it's the guys at the top, who are often handed control, rather than earned it, through legal, and/or morally ethical means, is the lightening rod of distrust!

Still waiting some 'pro-union Folkies' 'Bluegrassers' and Blues players on Mudcat to pop up.
Seems like they making BIG issues of somethings they don't even believe in, when it comes to joining one!!

But it's the principle, and I'm so cruel. (Now, Ebbie doesn't have to tell me).