The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2976280
Posted By: Bobert
30-Aug-10 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
The reason the the US has lost it's economic base is because the corportists found it more profitable to use foriegn "scab" labor and has thus all but killed the unions here in the US... And their lobbiests manipulated the tax codes to allow foriegn countries to build infastructure and plants that are not considedered assests of theose corporation and therefire not taxable??? WTF is that about... China can spend $500M on a plant in China for a IS corporation, hand it over to the corpoartion and it is not a taxable asset??? That is insane... How can American workers compete against that... There is no level playing filed at all...

That should answer GfinS's question about how amny muscians are currently union members... If the country has strong unions then they work for the working class... If they don't have strong unions then Boss Hog sleeps well at night...

Talent, Ake??? At what??? BSing her way around the fact that her recriminations of the Democratic Party goinf back decades gives her the right to say that both parties are corrupt and therefore no reason to now, in the face of disaster, just sit back and watch it happen... Kinda like the 60's when we just sat back and watched the right wing assasin our movement???

Nah, Akr, ol' buddy... You need to study up on what the GfinSers of the world will bring with that arrogance to reality... Rereas what Strings said... Reread what I have said... We can't survive another Repub administration right now...

Like we used to say in thew 60s, "yer either part of the problem or yer part of the solution"... The GfinSers ain't part of the solution...

Nuff said... (fir now)...
