The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131552   Message #2976329
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
30-Aug-10 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
Greg F asked:

What the fu$k is an "Islamist" supposed to be? Is that something like a Christist? Christianist? Or a Jewisist?

"Islamism", as I get it, is a Muslim religio/political position which wants Islamic law to run all governments, pretty much everywhere, and with a positive attitude toward doing so by force. That's not the same as "a Muslim". Many, many Muslims, both in the United States and elsewhere around the world, disapprove of Islamism as I've defined it.

Greg, rather than "Jewisist", try the word "Zionist", or "Zionism" for a sort of parallel. This was, and I suppose one would say "is", a religio/political movement, heavily influenced by Communism or at least Socialism, and was a leading factor in the struggle to create Israel--not really typically for religious reasons. A large part of that movement's advocates were doctrinaire atheists, and as a movement had a positive attitude toward a violent revolutionary, terrorist approach to gain their ends.

Any Muslims or Jews here who feel or think they know I'm wrong in the above paragraphs, feel free to correct what I've said. That's my understanding, in any event.

Dave Oesterreich