The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131552   Message #2976343
Posted By: Slag
30-Aug-10 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic cultural centre near ground zero
Dear Desert Dancer, to many Americans, to MOST Americans there is nothing more sacred than money. It is THEE God of the financial world. Yes, the WTC site is "Holy Ground".

Thank you Uncle DaveO for saving me from the explanation of adding "ist" to certain words.

BTW, I wasn't kidding about allowing the Muslim Center ( or mosque ) to be built. As long as it isn't a front for terror-ist activities but legitimate worship and community activity it sounds like a plus to me, so put down those broad brushes, please. I'm also for the little Greek Orhtodox Church being rebuilt. And as for a memorial to those who died in that holocaust, let that also be built, protected and honored. New York is a big, big city on a comparatively little bit of land. You have neighbors of all sorts and strange pairings and juxtapositions of all kinds of enterprises. That is one of the things that makes cities, big cities so interesting. Let it be!

All I said and all I was trying to do it get you all to look at the situation in another light. Would your opinions, prejudices or ideals allow you to see another situation with some similar features in the same light?