The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131682   Message #2976399
Posted By: Bobert
30-Aug-10 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Doesn't much matter what JFK was labeled as... You go into just about any rural home from slim-pickin's backgrounds in the South, where poverty is an equal opportunity curse and the one thing you'll notice on the wall, black and white, is a framed picture of JFK...

Ya' see, ya' can't wrap everything up neatly in academia or labels...

I been in one shitload of these folks houses over the years and I have seen it in their faces and their stories and what JFK meant to that generation was nothin' more than "hope"...

Was JFK a liberal by today's standards??? Nah... But... We face a real mess...

"Voodoo economics" has caught up with US and the Repubs want another round of it??? Kinda like the guy who just got shot at Mickey's Blues Shack telling the doctor to sew him up 'cause he's going back for more???

I mean, there is some seriously messed up thinkin' here, GfinS, and seems like you and yer bud, LH, think it's okay to sit back and watch the potential disaster and if it happens and it is the Rapture or whatever the right wants, then you and LH gonna just sit back in yer armchairs and say "Far fuckin' out"???


A or B... No C...

I mean, ya'll can just go playin' that song on the for-deck as the Titanic goes down...

Wish there were any other options that have any ties to reality...

Kinda too late for that...
