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Thread #131682   Message #2976607
Posted By: Bobert
31-Aug-10 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would a Repub Admin be Like?
And your choice, GfinS??? I mean, Palsis-Walsie...

Yeah, in a perfect world there would be a "C"... Yeah, given that Bill Clinton was part of this 30 year assault on the New Deal it's awfully hard to hold one's nose and for for Dems... No, make that vote against Repubs... But doing nuthin' but bash the poor folks who are willing to hold their nose and work to stop the Repubs from drivin' those last few nails in the New Deal coffin ain't exactly the most responsible thing to do either... One more tax reduction, after almost 30 years of our tax system becoming more and more regressive, for the wealthy is a formula for disaster...

Lotta folks want to complicate Economics 101 and what you get is exactly what we have... Econ ain't that tough... I mean, even the poorest of families get it... You got bills that you can't pay then you try to earn "mo money"... Purdy simple...

(Ain't that simple, Boberdz... You could jus' quit spending...)

Ahhhhhhh... There you have it... What to cut??? Those nasty "earmarks"... Well, okay... But they represent less than 1% of the federal budget... Hmmmmmm??? What to cut, part 2... The Defense budget??? A Repub administration would consider that to be the 3rd rail... What's left... Oh, them communist programs of FDRs...

The problem, as I see it, is that with the Repubs being so dependent of the narrow minded following that they have brough along that, if in power, these Repubs wouldn't have the courage to styand up to these highly emotional gun totin' "true believers" so the Repubs wouldn't say to the Dems, "Let's sit down and see if we can work this out", much as the Dems tried over and over to do with the repubs...

No, the Repubs would just get out their axes and the results??? As I talked about in an earlier post, they ain't gonna be purdy... Think an American version of Haiti here...
