The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127934   Message #2976750
Posted By: evansakes
31-Aug-10 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: Shrewsbury Folk Festival
Subject: RE: Shrewsbury Folk Festival
Actually, the last couple of years there HAS been a quietish informal singaround going on in the small room at the end of the Berwick Pavilion....on at least one of the nights.

Among those in attendance and participating were a number of people from the Tanners Hatch 'Folk In The Forest' group eg Hector Gilchrist and Noddy (out of Noddy's Lot). Plus several TwickFolk singers including Sue Graves and myself (Gerry). There was no formal 'start and end' time as with all these things they just fizzle out at some point as people get knackered and drift off (Some even drop off while listening)

Last night a hardy bunch of us 'songists' again tried to decamp in there about 9pm after being effectively elbowed out of our singaround table at the other end of the bar (a noisy herd of strictly tunist folks led by a melage of melodeons sat down and effectively mounted a coup d'etat). However one of the steward teams had already bagsied the room for a quick meeting so it didn't happen.

Nevertheless I'm pretty sure TwickFolk will again have a delegation at Shrewsbury next year and I'm also certain we'd be happy to host an informal singaround in that room if the organisers would like to officially programme it. We'd also be happy to share it with anyone else such as the Tanners crowd (plus the likes of Hils and Richard, George Papavgeris if they were attending....they were last year)

One thing though.....for sound-proofing reasons they'd have to install an automatic door closer on the entrance to the main bar (many of the main bar people forget to close it when they wander out to use the loo)